We are presenting the first of the INSPIRATIONS FROM THE EXISTENCE to humanity as a wise poem.
Divine Truth
If you proved the existence of the existence,
The mystery is solved, your fatigue is over..
The proof of the existence is to annihilate non-existence,
This is the real meaning of LA and İLLA…
Say with LA that non-existence does not exist,
And with İLLA the EXISTENCE exists!
This is the reality, the physical world is,
The manifestation of the sole, absolute Existence…
The sea becomes exuberant, declares the Divine Unity,
Foam is the witness of the Oneness of the sea…
Multiplicity exists in Unity and Unity in Multiplicity
Multiplicity is the sign of the Sole Entity.
The beginning of the hundred thousand of sea foam
Is obviously known to be the sea,
Foam bubbles are destroyed again in the sea,
This is the proof that He is the last…
The existence is a whole, He has no boundary,
For, non-existence is non-existent, no limit for existence,
Thus, this is the Deity, the INFINITY
Creation is the manifestation of God Himself…
It is absolute that nothing existed from non-existence,
The Creation is from the Divine Light of God’s Person,
It is impossible to see the infinite as a whole,
Seen and hidden is HE, HE is the visible and the invisible…
He reported that He is the First and the Last,
The Seen and the Unseen is Himself,
The first is HU, the last is HU, the outer is HU and inner is HU,
This is the explanation of LA and İLLA…
**13 October 2004**