Kazım Yardımcı

Information about Kazım Yardımcı


The respectable author, Kâzım Yardımcı was born in I936, in Adıyaman. He had his Primary and Middle (Junior High) School Education in Adıyaman and High School Education in Malatya. Although he did not attend Religious High Schools or Colleges, he learnt Arabic and Ottoman Turkish as a result of his own effort. His mother’s ancestors are from the Family of Hashimites. He lives in Adıyaman together with his Family as a retired civil servant. He dedicated almost all his life to Sufism, and he continued his works for years in this field.

Our author has written seven (7) books so far and all of them have been translated into English.


Kazım YardımcıKazım YardımcıKazım YardımcıKazım Yardımcı