Since time immemorial
These affairs are always like that.
One goes, the other comes,
Natural law works
Without any disorder,
Without any boredom.
By us, it works in favour of better, against evil
They always teach us so;
“Do not think that it will improve one day!”
Reality is obvious; the skies, the earth
And all between them are in their proper place.
Nothing is wrong,
All is real, everything is right.
Nature, people, society are all in their proper place
Emotions, instincts, logic, thought,
Religion, religions, religious institutions,
Birth, death, life, day, night,
War, peace, detant,
They have existed since the world was established.
They are present now.
Look at them!
Look at what exists!
The future; I do not know it,
However, most of them, almost all will be there again.
Justice, oppression, rights, law will be also.
Fighting with each other, struggling against each other
The brutal force! Yes that is,
That bloody violence,
With all its horror and terror, it will continue for along time in error …
Will mankind, human, humanity, virtue be lost?
Never! …
But remaining always in the minority,
It will continue
In human history…
Humanity has never been though
“Without humanitarian actions, virtue”!
Never been!
As I said, always as a handful,
Always being oppressed, beaten, sworn at
By being left hungry, thirsty, homeless,
By being hung, slaughtered, whipped, lashed,
Prisoned, chained, hanged,
Yes, they are destined for them.
They are as if the fate of them.
It is the unchangeable, supreme, sacred destiny of them.
And those, most of whom are the feces producers
Ah! What can I say? What can be said?
By violating human dignity, they will continue their dirty,
Non-human lives…
And their happiness will end by spending their time
Between kitchen and toilet….
This is what relieves us.
Despite all its tyranny and ugliness,
A life between a kitchen and toilet cannot be called life…
If this is the happiness of them, which is absolutely true.
Damn with such a happiness!
He who knows himself
And who recognizes human dignity
Does not accept such happiness.
True people do not feel regret for them.
He may have pity on them, again
Yes, he has mercy on them
Because they are human
In the name of mankind,
In the name of humanity and shyly…
Perhaps being embarrassed to be a man,
Yet, he always thinks of them
Though he gets angry, he searches a remedy,
He looks for the ways of humanly hapiness
If he is a man, he should look for.
He must loook for,
He is obliged to look for…
And one day,
He absolutely finds
And one day
He will find and it will be found
Yes that Sun of humanity will be found:
That infinite and eternal light;
Then, all people are brothers and sisters,
All people are friendly people,
All people are HUMAN ...
Because our master had said:
“He who searches finds”
Oh… Oh… How nice!
Oh... Yeah, isn’t it nice?
Isn’t it? HUMAN brother...
8th of August, 1980